24.8 °C

Weather Observation Records

Observations are powered by a Davis Vantage Pro 2
Temperature Records
2024 All Time
Highest Temperature 41.4 °C 41.4 °C
Lowest Temperature -0.9 °C -2.5 °C
Highest Heat Index 43.9 °C 43.9 °C
Lowest Wind Chill -4.4 °C -4.4 °C
Largest Daily Temperature Range 19.3 °C
(Min: 11.8 °C - Max: 31.1 °C )
19.3 °C
(Min: 11.8 °C - Max: 31.1 °C )
Smallest Daily Temperature Range 2.6 °C
(Min: 9.9 °C - Max: 12.5 °C )
2.6 °C
(Min: 9.9 °C - Max: 12.5 °C )
Wind Records
2024 All Time
Strongest Wind Gust 50 km/h 50 km/h
Rain Records
2024 All Time
Highest Daily Rainfall 25 mm 25 mm
Highest Daily Rain Rate 13107.0 mm/hr 13107.0 mm/hr
Month with Highest Total Rainfall 39.6 mm March 39.6 mm March, 2024
Total Rainfall for 153.2 mm 2024 153.2 mm 2024
Consecutive Days With Rain 5 days ending 5 days
Consecutive Days Without Rain 21 days ending 21 days
Humidity Records
2024 All Time
Highest Humidity 96% 96%
Lowest Humidity 11% 11%
Highest Dewpoint 21.8 °C 21.8 °C
Lowest Dewpoint -4.0 °C -4.0 °C
Barometer Records
2024 All Time
Highest Barometer 1038.3 hPa 1038.3 hPa
Lowest Barometer 985.0 hPa 985.0 hPa
Sun Records
2024 All Time
Highest Solar Radiation 1782 W/m² 1782 W/m²